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Feeling Pretty Crappy!

I am sick. At work today I felt that I was coming down with something because I was freezing to death. But when one of my coworkers also said she was cold I thought okay I am not sick. Then after picking up the kids from school my head starting pounding, I took my temperature and it's 100.2 right now. I am thinking strep, so I will go to the docs tomorrow just to make sure. Pray it's nothing, we have a lot going on this weekend. We are suppose to watch a good friend cheer at her second middle school football game, Brad has his second baseball game on Sunday and Ashley is suppose to go to a youth group gathering at our church on Sunday.

Please pray. Today my sister's called me to tell me that my mom was taken to the hospital by ambulance. According to my sister, Renee, my mom was throwing up what she was thought was blood and complaining of chest pains. Of course, my mom thought she was having a heart attack which is completely possibly since she is a huge smoker, is overweight and has severe hypertension. Thankfully, my mom's EKG was normal so her heart was not stressed. However, as my mom's blood work came back they found that my mom's blood sugar level was 455 (normal is from 80 to 120 I think). which is extremely high. Of course, now they have diagnosed my mom with Type II Diabetes. My mom is having some other issues as well...more tests are needed. They are talking about removing her gallbladder. They are admitting her to the hospital tonight from the ER; they are just waiting on a room. Having lost my dad just a little less than two years ago, I am not prepared to loose my mom just yet. Hopefully, whatever else they find wrong with my mom can be easily fixed with diet and medication.

Coming Soon. I know I promised to share pictures from Ashley's "So You Think You Can Dance" birthday party, however, be patient as I work on the slide show. We have over 50 pictures of her party to go through. But I promise I will share pictures soon. However, here is a sneak peak.

Ashley and her Team stretching

Ashley's Team performing their dance routine for the judges.


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