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Resolve to Help Others in 2010

The article below was written by my friend, Rob Thrift, and was written for a small local paper here in Seminole County, Florida called the Seminole Chronicle. Make Rob's article an inspiration for you as you fulfill your resolutions this year, I know his article has certainly influenced me. 

(Note:  Remember the name Rob Thrift because I believe without a doubt that he will be running for office at the National level in the future.)

As we reflect back on 2009, we will, no doubt, view it as a year of daunting challenges. We witnessed unemployment climb to over 10 percent, multiple bank failures, countless American institutions file for bankruptcy, and several subsequently taken over by our government.

Our nation's debt level soared exponentially and housing foreclosures continued to be an issue. These issues, among many others, have certainly caused angst and a feeling of uncertainty among many Americans.

The question we must begin to ask ourselves is, "What do we do about it?" Many might say that the aforementioned issues might be beyond everyday Americans' power as individuals to address. But I would disagree.

I believe that with every challenge we as a nation or a community face, therein lies opportunity. The challenges we have faced and continue to face are an excellent time for our country to get back to its roots. Our country was not built by its government but rather by a belief system that better days lie ahead and a spirit of "I can" rather than "I can't."

As individuals we may not salvage the bankrupted institutions or provide jobs for every unemployed person, but each and every one of us can do something that in total will improve our country, our way of life and one's perspective on whether or not things are improving.

Therefore, in 2010 I would like to propose that everyone make it a year in which you resolve to do something positive for others. Undoubtedly, we all know someone who has lost a family member, become ill, lost a job or has other needs. It is that "can do" attitude and sense of community that makes Oviedo, a top 100 city, such a great place to live and raise a family.

All of us, no matter what our needs, are blessed to live in the land of opportunity. We can all do something for our neighbors, our community or our country as a whole. When we help others, we enrich our community and we help our country.

So, what can we do? For starters, we can volunteer our time. Get involved in a local youth sports league, mentor a child at our local boys and girls club or become a dividend in one of our many great schools. We can donate funds to a local charity or organize fundraisers. We can befriend a neighbor in need or engage in a random act of kindness toward a stranger. The list goes on and on. The point is we can!

Author Dr. Stephen Covey has been quoted as saying in life we should "live, laugh, love and leave a legacy." I have challenged myself to resolve to look for ways to give back. I am confident that in trying to enrich the lives of others, I will also be blessed with a life more filled with love and laughter. And I ask you, in 2010 and beyond, what will be your legacy?

From my family to yours, I wish you all a safe, healthy and prosperous New Year.


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