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Showing posts from February, 2011

Poems By Ashley

My Life I am still young, but my hope is not lost, even with a pain bearing  through my thoughts I have grown through the years 12 to be exact knowing the scary fact of my life threatening disease that I have had  since the day I began to breathe it has been hard, times have been rough going to the doctors at least twice a month missing school losing friends  having surgery it never ends Though, you gave me home, some family some friends, some wonderful pets and a love that never ends so, I won’t give up, I will live through this haunting fact that will never give. Written 12/13/2010 LOST HOPE A hope a gentle hope floating through continuous air. Making us stare wondering where it might hide. Hope is there waiting for prayer. Why must it hide we need its guide. Don't you dare try to cry, He is there. A hope a gentle hope floating through continuous air. You must decide ...