Sometimes as I am trying to fall asleep (like last night), I find my mind going into over drive instead of shutting off so I can sleep. The scenario's that I dream up of in my mind certainly keep me up at night. The horrible reality is some of these scenarios could really happen. Most of the thoughts that keep me up at night involve Ashley and sometimes Brad. Sometimes I start to fall asleep only to be startled awake with one of my scenarios or as I call them my "awakemares." Scenario one: I am awakend with Ashley's screaming, not just any scream but a scream of fear. She is throwing up blood, not just like regular throwing up blood but like the Exorist throwing up. She is projectile vomiting all over her room. Of course, I run to her room, dial 911 and then try to erase that scenario and go back to sleep. Scenario two: Before I go to bed at night which is usally three or four hours after the kids go to bed, I check on them, cover them ...
Ashley has biliary atresia, a chronic life threatening liver disease. Her disease has no cure, and her only hope for a long life is a transplant. We are trying to raise money for her liver transplant and other medical needs. Because her disease is unpredictable, her medical needs are unpredictable. It is because of this and the fact that we are unable to get life insurance for Ashley that we ask for donations. If you feel it in your heart to donate to Ashley's fund, we will be grateful.