Ashley is now wearing contacts. You should have seen her yesterday at the doctor's office putting those contacts in. Everyone, including me, thought that we would be watching Ashley get frustrated after 5 minutes of trying to put one contact in. Not my girl; Ashley got both contacts in her eyes in just under a minute! Not only could she get them in with no problems, she was able to remove them without problems too. As she was putting the contacts back in her eyes, she did so without looking in the mirror! I have been wearing contacts for 20 years and I still have to look in the mirror to put my contacts in. The doctor said they have never had someone as young as 10 years old get contacts in as fast as Ashley. Now with Ashley wearing contacts, we can see her big beautiful eyes and long eye lashes!
Speaking of Ashley's big beautiful eyes. As Ashley was being examined, I asked the doctor what color eyes Ashley has. For years people said Ashley eyes were brown and I said no they are hazel. Well, I am happy to report all of us are wrong, Ashley's eyes are green. I was able to look at Ashley's eyes through the special lenses at the doctors office and yes, they are a beautiful sea green. Now all I have to do is figure out what color eyes Brad has, his aren't brown or green but gold!
Coming Soon: A picture of Ashley without her glasses on/contacts only and a picture of Ashley with her glasses. You vote; which picture do you like the best.
Speaking of Ashley's big beautiful eyes. As Ashley was being examined, I asked the doctor what color eyes Ashley has. For years people said Ashley eyes were brown and I said no they are hazel. Well, I am happy to report all of us are wrong, Ashley's eyes are green. I was able to look at Ashley's eyes through the special lenses at the doctors office and yes, they are a beautiful sea green. Now all I have to do is figure out what color eyes Brad has, his aren't brown or green but gold!
Coming Soon: A picture of Ashley without her glasses on/contacts only and a picture of Ashley with her glasses. You vote; which picture do you like the best.